Enjoy some free stuff on your birthday
- 7-11 Convenience Stores
- Get a free Slurpee during your birthday month.
- When you download the app and sign up, you can choose between a free coffee or one free snack item.
- https://www.7-eleven.com/7rewards
– A –
- A&W Restaurants
- Get a free root beer float.
- https://awrestaurants.c
- Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant
- Get a free special offer.
- https://www.abuelos.com/
- Adagio Teas
- Get 5% off all orders.
- https://www.adagio.com/faq/loyalty_program
- Abercrombie & Fitch
- Get a 20% off $75+ coupon.
- https://www.abercrombie
- Ace Hardwae
- $5 off purchase (unknown minimum)
- https://www.acehardware
- AMC Theatres
- Get a free large popcorn.
- https://www.amctheatres
- American Eagle/Aerie
- $5 off purchase (unknown minimum)
- https://www.ae.com/us/en/myaccount/real-rewards
- Andy’s Frozen Custard
- Get a free unspecified birthday treat.
- Get a free treat after signing up and after your first visit.
- https://yumsquad.eatand
- Anthropologie
- Get 20% off during birthday month.
- Also get a $20 welcome gift good for any full-price purchase.
- https://www.anthropolog
- Applebee’s
- Get a free birthday dessert.
- Free appetizer on your next order (minimum purchase of $15 or more).
- https://www.applebees.c
- Arby’s
- Choice of free regular shake, cookie or turnover (must download the app)
- 25% off your first online order for joining.
- https://www.arbys.com/deals/
- Atlanta Bread
- Get an unspecified birthday reward (must download the app).
- https://atlantabread.co
- Au Bon Pain
- Get an unspecified birthday reward.
- Get a free coffee and bakery item just for joining.
- https://aubonpain.fbmta
.com/membe…utsourc e=w
- Auntie Anne’s
- Free pretzel w/ first $1 minimum purchase just for signing up.
- Possible free pretzel on birthday with $10 spent over previous year.
- https://www.auntieannes
- Autopia Car Wash (CA)
- Get a free car wash.
- http://www.autopiacarw
ash.com/vip…the%20yea r
- Azteca Mexican Restaurant (WA)
- Notify your server and get free flan.
- https://www.aztecamex.c
– B –
- B&B Theatres
- Get a free #1 combo.
- https://www.bbtheatres.
- Baja Fresh
- Free unspecified (taco?) birthday reward.
- https://www.bajafresh.c
- Baskin Robbins
- Free 2.5oz ice cream scoop.
- https://www.baskinrobbi
- Bath and Body Works
- Get a free item on their birthday.
- Get a free $10 off $30 coupon.
- https://www.bathandbody
- bd’s Mongolian Grill
- Get a free bowl w/ purchase of any bowl.
- Get a free starter or dessert just for joining.
- After you redeem that first reward, get $10 OFF your next purchase.
- https://www.bdsgrill.co
- Bear Mountain and Snow Summit
- Get a free birthday lift ticket. ID required.
- https://www.bigbearmoun
- Ben & Jerry’s
- Free scoop of ice cream.
- 10% off instore and takeout orders.
- https://www.benjerry.co
- Benihana’s
- Get a $30 certificate during the month of your birthday (requires $30+ purchase and only valid Monday-Thursday).
- https://www.benihana.co
m/promotio…istr ation/
- Bertucci’s
- Get a free special gift on your birthday and anniversary (dine-in only).
- https://www.bertuccis.c
- Bigboy
- Get a free dessert.
- https://www.bigboy.com/
- Biggby Coffee
- Get a free drink up to 24oz.
- https://biggby.com/e-wards/
- Biscuitville (NC)
- Get an unspecified free treat.
- https://biscuitville.co
- BJ’s Restaurants and Brewhouse
- Get a free Pizookie when you sign up.
- https://www.bjsrestaura
- Black Angus Steakhouse
- Get 2x the rewards points on your purchases during your birthday month and get a free Cowboy Cookie on your birthday.
- https://www.blackangus.
- Get a $10 off coupon.
- Also get a 15% off coupon when you sign up.
- https://www.bodenusa.co
- Bojangles
- Free Bo-Berry biscuit
- https://www.bojangles.c
- Bonefish Grill
- Get a free unspecified birthday reward.
- Get a free $10 of your first visit for signing up.
- https://www.bonefishgri
- Brio Italian Grille
- Get a free dessert for dine in or to go (no purchase required)
- https://www.brioitalian
- Bruegger’s Bagels
- Get a free bagel and cream cheese on your birthday with purchase.
- Get a free bagel and cream cheese when you sign up.
- https://rewards.bruegge
- Buca Di Beppo
- Get an unspecified birthday and anniversary reward.
- Get a $10 off $20 purchase just for signing up.
- https://www.bucadibeppo
- Buddy’s Pizza (MI)
- Get a free four-square pizza.
- Get a free pizza with any purchase just for joining.
- https://www.buddyspizza
- Buffalo Wild Wings
- Get 6 free wings during your birthday month ($10 minimum purchase possibly required).
- https://www.buffalowild
- Burger Fi
- Get a free frozen custard shake.
- Get free fresh cut fries just for joining.
- https://www.burgerfi.co
- Burger King
- Get double points as a birthday reward.
- https://www.bk.com/signin
– C –
- California Pizza Kitchen
- Free dessert for birthday.
- https://www.cpk.com/sign-up
- California Tortilla
- Get a free California Tortilla.
- https://californiatorti
- Capital Grille
- Get a free dessert on your birthday, no sign up necessary.
- https://www.thecapitalg
- Caribou Coffee
- Get a free beverage.
- https://www.cariboucoff
- Carrabba’s Italian Grill
- Get a free unspecified birthday reward.
- Get free calamari just for signing up.
- https://www.carrabbas.c
- Carvel
- Free cone.
- https://www.carvel.com/
- Cattlemen’s California Steakhouse
- Get an unspecified birthday reward.
- https://www.cattlemens.
- Get a $9 birthday credit (requires $100 spent on account previously).
- https://cava.com/rewards
- Charley’s Cheesesteaks (WA)
- Get an unspecified free treat.
- Get $5 off $15 purchase just for signing up.
- https://www.charleys.co
- Checkers
- Free small milkshake (requires one order in previous 12 months).
- https://www.checkers.co
- Cheesecake Factory
- Get a free slice of cheesecake on your birthday with purchase at time of redemption. Slice reward will be redeemable from the date of issuance until 14 days after your birthday.
- https://www.thecheeseca
- Chicken Salad Chick
- Get a free meal plus 25 points for signing up.
- https://www.chickensala
- Chick-fil-a
- Varies by membership tier.
- Standard – Free Chocolate Chunk Cookie or Chocolate Fudge Brownie
- Silver Members (1,000 points in a calendar year) – Free small milkshake, Frosted Lemonade, Frosted Coffee or a small Icedream cone or cup.
- Red Members (4,000 points in a year) – Free free grilled or regular sandwich or eight- or 12-count nuggets.
- Signature Members (10,000+ points in a year) – Get choice of any entrée.
- https://www.chick-fil-a.com/one
- Varies by membership tier.
- Chili’s
- Free Chips & Salsa or a Non-Alcoholic Beverage by visiting participating Chili’s at least once every 45 days.
- https://www.chilis.com/register
- Chipotle
- Get an unspecified birthday gift .
- Get free guac for signing up.
- https://www.chipotle.co
- Chuck E. Cheese
- Get a free sweet treat on birthday and half-birthday.
- Get 500 E-tickets just for signing up.
- https://www.chuckechees
- Cinnabon
- Free 4-ct. BonBites for signing up.
- https://www.cinnabon.co
- CMX Cinemas
- Get a free movie ticket
- https://www.cmxcinemas.
- Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
- Get a free “Tasty birthday gift”.
- Get 50% off your first drink when you sign up.
- https://www.coffeebeanr
- Cold Stone Creamery
- Get a buy one, get one free coupon on both your birthday and when you sign up.
- https://www.coldstonecr
- Converse
- Get a 20% off coupon (lots of fine print).
- Also get a 15% off coupon (code WEL15) when you sign up (lots of fine print).
- https://www.converse.co
- Cotton Patch Texas
- Get a free birthday dessert, anniversary entree and appetizer when you sign up.
- https://cottonpatch.com/club/
- Crumbl Cookies
- Get a free cookie.
- https://crumblcookies.c
- Culver’s
- Get one free scoop of ice cream with one topping.
- https://www.culvers.com/
- CVS Pharmacy
- “A little extra for your Birthday” $3 ExtraCare buck valid for 4 weeks
- https://www.cvs.com/extracare/overview [culvers.com]
– D –
- Dairy Queen
- Buy one, get one free Blizzard on your birthday.
- https://www.dairyqueen.
- Del Taco
- Get a free shake and two free Del tacos just for signing up.
- https://deltaco.com/delyeahrewards
- Devon Seafood
- Get $25 off entree with purchase of another entree.
- https://www.devonseafoo
- Denny’s
- Free Grand Slam breakfast on your birthday and 20% off your first order.
- https://www.dennys.com/account/signup
- Dippin’ Dots
- Get a free Dippin’ Dots ice cream on your birthday.
- https://www.dippindots.
- DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse)
- Get a $5 off credit to spend anytime that month.
- Plus get 20% off your first purchase when you sign up.
- https://www.dsw.com/en/us/vip
- Duke’s Seafood (WA)
- Free birthday lunch or dinner (choose from five entrées) OR a free dessert for everyone at your table (as long as they buy a meal, too).
- Get a coupon for buy one entrée at full price, get one free when you sign up.
- https://www.dukesseafoo
- Dunkin’
- Triple points for rewards members.
- https://www.dunkindonut
- Dutch Bros Coffee
- Free drink of any size.
- https://www.dutchbros.c
– E –
- Earl of Sandwich
- Get a “special birthday gift” and a special welcome gift when you sign up.
- https://earlofsandwichu
- Edible Arrangements
- Get a free 6-piece array of chocolate-dipped fruit on your birthday.
- https://www.ediblearran
- Einstein Bros. Bagels
- Get a free breakfast sandwich w/ separate purchase.
- Get a free bagel & schmear just for signing up w/ separate purchase.
- https://www.einsteinbro
- El Chico
- Free birthday brownie sundae.
- Get a free entrée with purchase of an adult entrée when you sign up.
- https://www.elchico.com/join/
- El Poco Loco
- $5 birthday reward.
- Free burrito with purchase for joining.
- https://www.elpolloloco
– F –
- Famous Dave’s
- Rewards unspecified.
- https://www.famousdaves
.com/PunchLoyaltySig nUp
- Firehouse Subs
- Free birthday sub w/ $1 purchase
- Note: must buy $1 or more in at least 7 days and at most 6 months before your birthdate
- https://www.firehousesu
- First Watch
- Get a buy one, get one free breakfast, brunch or lunch.
- https://www.firstwatch.
- Freebirds World Burrito (TX)
- Get a free burrito.
- Sign up for free chips and dip.
- https://www.freebirds.c
- Fresh
- Get a 15% off coupon.
- Also get an unspecified sign up offer.
- https://www.fresh.com/us/login?rurl=1
- The Fresh Market
- Get a free slice of “Ultimate Birthday Cake.”
- https://www.thefreshmar
- Friendly’s
- Get a free medium sundae during your birthday month.
- Get a free medium sundae just for signing up.
- https://www.friendlysre
staurants….dl ys-club/
- Fuddruckers
- Get a buy one, get one offer on your birthday.
- https://www.fuddruckers
– G –
- Get $10 cash back reward bonus.
- https://www.gnc.com/mygnc-rewards.html
- Golden Corral
- Get an unspecified birthday reward (varies by location).
- Free beverage for signing up.
- https://www.goldencorra
- Grimaldi’s Pizzeria
- Get a free pizza (must have purchased something within the past 12 months)
- https://grimaldis.mygue
staccount….te mplate=0
- GTC Movies (GA)
- Get a free medium popcorn.
- https://www.gtcmovies.c
– H –
- Habit Burger Grill
- Get a birthday freebie.
- https://order.habitburg
- The Halal Guys
- Get a free birthday platter.
- Also get a free drink and side with purchase of a sandwich or platter when you sign up.
- https://thehalalguys.co
- Handel’s
- Free ice cream cone.
- https://handelsicecream
- Hard Rock Cafe
- Get a free dessert.
- https://www.unitybyhard
- Harkins Theatres
- Get a $5 birthday treat award.
- https://www.harkins.com/awards/signup
- Honey Baked Ham
- Get $9 in HoneyBaked Cash on your birthday and when you sign up.
- https://www.honeybaked.
- Hooters
- Get a free order of wings.
- Get free fried pickles when you sign up.
- https://www.hooters.com/about/app/
- Houlihan’s
- Get a free entree.
- $10 off for joining as well.
- https://www.harkins.com/awards/signup
- Huddle House
- Get a free MVP Breakfast platter.
- https://www.huddlehouse
– I –
- Get a free stack of pancakes.
- https://www.ihop.com/en/rewards
- Ike’s Love and Sandwiches
- Get a free birthday sub.
- Get $5 in rewards when you sign up.
- https://www.ikessandwic
- Get a free surprise gift ($10 store credit) + free slice of cake with purchase of an adult entree.
- https://www.ikea.com/us/en/ikea-family/
- Il Mulino
- Get free dessert and a free order of grappa.
- https://www.ilmulino.co
- Islands Fine Burgers and Drinks
- Get a free birthday dessert.
- https://www.islandsrest
- Ivars Seafood
- Carte Clam members (55+) receive a free meal.
- https://www.ivars.com/carte-clam
– J –
- Jamba Juice
- Get a free smoothie (15 point minimum on your account to qualify).
- 50% off your first smoothie when you sign up.
- https://www.jamba.com/rewards
- Jason’s Deli
- Get a free sweet treat.
- https://www.jasonsdeli.
- Jeni’s Ice Cream (OH)
- Get a free scoop on your birthday.
- https://jenis.com/pages/rewards
- Jimmy John’s
- Get a free birthday surprise.
- https://www.jimmyjohns.
- Joe’s Crab Shack
- Get a “birthday offer”
- Get a free appetizer when you sign up.
- https://joescrabshack.f
- Johnny Rockets
- Get a free burger during your birthday week when you purchase an entree and drink.
- https://www.johnnyrocke
- Juice It Up
- Get a free medium classic smoothie.
- https://juiceitup.com/rewards/
- Junior’s Cheesecake
- Get a free slice of cheesecake.
- https://www.juniorschee
secake.com…nd ex/page/
– K –
- Kum & Go
- Free pastry for Rewards members: cookie, muffin, cinnamon roll, or donut. (credit ligera)
- https://kumandgo.com/rewards-perks/
- Krispy Kreme
- Get 3 free glazed donuts for your birthday (good for 30 days).
- Free donut just for signing up.
- https://www.krispykreme
– L –
- Landry’s Select Club
- Club members get a $25 reward to redeem during birthday month.
- $25 welcome reward when you sign up as well.
- https://www.landrysinc.
- La Madeleine
- Get a free pastry or slice of cake.
- FREE Lemon Madeleine or Butter Croissant when you sign up.
- https://lamadeleine.com/bonjour-rewards
- Legal Sea Foods
- Get a free dessert (choice of key lime pie, New York cheesecake, Boston cream pie or chocolate bonbons).
- https://www.legalseafoo
- Logan’s Roadhouse
- Get a free dessert
- https://logansroadhouse
- Longhorn Steakhouse
- Get “special offers and coupons” on your birthday.
- https://www.longhornste
akhouse.co…cl ub-step1
- Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria
- Get an unspecified free birthday surprise. Must be opted-in to receive emails.
- If you sign up via the app, you also get a free medium pizza after you’ve spent $20.
- https://www.loumalnatis
- Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que
- Get a free dessert or appetizer (code emailed).
- Also get a $10 off $30 coupon when you sign up.
- Sign up via text or via email (small box entry on lower right of page)
- https://lucillesbbq.com/promos/jo…-text-club
– M –
- Macaroni Grill
- Get a free dessert.
- https://mariecallender.
- Madewell
- Get $25 off.
- https://www.madewell.co
- Maggiano’s Little Italy
- Get an unspecified exclusive birthday gift.
- $10 off $30 for your first carryout order via app
- https://maggianos.com/app/
- Marie Callender’s
- Get an unspecified birthday offer and also $10 off your next visit when you sign up.
- https://www.maggianos.c
- Marco’s Pizza
- Get a free small one-topping pizza.
- https://www.marcos.com/email-club/
- McAlister’s Deli
- Get a free cookie.
- https://www.mcalistersd
- McDonald’s
- Get one free item (choice of cheeseburger, McChicken, 6-piece nugget, sausage burrito, hashbrown, ice tea or medium(?) fries).
- Get free medium fries when you download the app.
- https://www.mcdonalds.c
- Miller’s Ale House
- Get a free Zingers appetizer or dessert.
- https://millersalehouse
- Moe’s Southwest Grill
- Get a free cup of queso or guac (not confirmed).
- Get a free cup of queso just for signing up.
- https://www.moes.com/rewards
– N –
- National Coney Island
- Get a free birthday dessert.
- Surprise rewards when you sign up.
- https://nationalconeyis
- Native Foods
- Get free $10 credit (requires $10 spent in previous 12 months).
- https://www.nativefoods
- Newks
- Get a free slice of cake.
- Get a free drink just for joining.
- Get a free slice of cake if you refer a friend.
- https://newks.com/rewards/
- Nitty Gritty (WI)
- Get a free burger.
- https://www.thegritty.c
- Noodles & Company
- Get a free birthday dessert.
- https://www.noodles.com/account/signup
- Nothing Bundt Cakes
- Get a free Bundtlet cake on their birthday (varies by location).
- https://www.nothingbund
tcakes.com…t= 2/8/2024
– O –
- Old Spaghetti Factory
- Get an unspecified birthday reward.
- https://iframe.punchh.c
om/custome…ttifa ctory
- Olga’s Kitchen (MI, IL)
- Get an unspecified sweet treat.
- Get a free basket of Olga’s Snackers® or a starter just for joining.
- https://www.olgas.com/rewards/
- Olive Garden
- Get a free dessert with dinner purchase.
- https://www.olivegarden
- On the Border
- Get a free birthday surprise.
- https://www.ontheborder
- Outback Steakhouse
- Get an unspecified birthday reward.
- Get a free Bloomin’ Onion just for signing up.
- https://www.outback.com/rewards
- O’Charley’s
- Get a free “birthday surprise.”
- Get a free appetizer when you sign up.
- https://www.ocharleys.c
– P –
- Panera Bread
- Get one free pastry or $2 off order (varies by account)
- https://www.panerabread
.com/conte…ra&irgw c=1
- Papa John’s
- Get a free birthday dessert.
- https://www.papajohns.c
- Papa Murphy’s
- Get a free pizza (up to $16 value).
- https://www.papamurphys
- Pei Wei
- Get free crab wontons, traditional edamame, vegetable spring rolls or a pork egg roll.
- https://www.peiwei.com/pei-wei-rewards/
- Peter Piper Pizza
- Get a free Crunch dessert.
- https://www.peterpiperp
- Perkins Restaurant and Bakery
- Get a free Magnificent Seven Breakfast meal.
- https://prkmc.fbmta.com/members/U…ofile.aspx
- PF Chang’s
- Complimentary dessert or appetizer during your birthday month.
- https://www.pfchangs.co
- Pie Five Pizza
- Get a free 7″ 1-topping pizza when you sign up when you sign up.
- https://www.piefivepizz
- Pinkberry
- Get a free small frozen yogurt with toppings for your birthday.
- https://www.pinkberry.c
- Pita Pit
- Get a free pita on your birthday.
- https://pitapitusa.com/rewards
- Pizza Hut
- Get a free birthday treat (free bread sticks or cinnamon sticks).
- https://www.pizzahut.co
- Planet Smoothie
- Get a free $6 birthday reward.
- https://www.planetsmoot
- Popeyes
- Get a free apple pie.
- https://www.popeyes.com/popeyes-rewards
- Portillo’s
- Get a free slice of chocolate cake. ID required.
- https://www.portillos.c
- Potbelly
- Get a free cookie.
- https://www.potbelly.co
- Publix
- Get a free container of Publix, Publix Premium, or GreenWise ice cream, or a Publix Bakery bar cake.
- https://clubpublix.com/
– Q –
- Qdoba Mexican Eats
- Get free queso and chips.
- https://order.qdoba.com/account/signup
- Quizno’s Subs
- Buy one, get one free 8″ sub on your birthday.
- https://www.quiznos.com/loyalty/
– R –
- Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
- Get a free drink on your birthday when you join the Caniac Club.
- Get a free BOGO Box Combo on your account anniversary every year.
- Pick up your membership card on your next visit.
- https://www.raisingcane
- Razzoo’s Cajun Cafe
- Text 97763 to join Razzoo’s E-Club and get a free “Le First Chomp” appetizer.
- Redbox
- Get $2 off reward.
- Also receive a free one-night rental when you sign up.
- https://www.redbox.com/perks
- Red Lobster
- Also one free unspecified birthday reward.
- Get 10% off dine-in and twelve free Cheddar Bay Biscuit Reward To Go.
- https://www.redlobster.
- Red Robin
- Get a free birthday burger reward and 10th item free just for joining (dine-in only and may require $4.99+ purchase).
- https://www.redrobin.co
- Romano’s Macaroni Grill
- Get a free dessert when you buy an entrée.
- https://macaronigrill.f
- Rosa Mexicano
- Get a free dessert of your choice.
- https://rosamexicano.co
- Royal Farms
- Get a free 2-piece chicken meal.
- https://www.roforewards
- Round Table Pizza
- Get a free personal pizza with drink purchase on your birthday.
- Get 6 free twists for signing up.
- https://ordering.roundt
- Rubio’s
- Get a free birthday surprise.
- $5 off any entrée on your first order.
- https://rubios.com/rewards/
- Ruby Tuesday
- Get a free dessert.
- https://www.rubytuesday
– S –
- Sbarro
- Get a free birthday surprise.
- https://sbarro.com/sbarro-rewards/
- Schlotzsky
- Free small sandwich w/$1 purchase, excludes add ons, extras, and gluten free options
- Note: ligera “tried a medium Original & the full price deducted.”
- https://www.schlotzskys
- Scooter’s Coffee
- Get a free beverage up to $6.
- https://www.scooterscof
- Sephora
- Free birthday gift (choice of various gift sets or 250 bonus points).
- https://www.sephora.com/beauty/bi…4_q1_us_ca
- Shari’s Restaurants
- Get a free slice of pie on your birthday.
- Get a free slice of pie just for signing up.
- https://sharis.com/rewards/
- Sheetz Convenience Stores
- Get an unspecified birthday reward.
- https://orders.sheetz.c
- Sidecar Donuts (LA)
- Get a free donut.
- Get a free doughnut and drink w/ Purchase when you sign up.
- https://sidecardoughnut
- Silver Dollar City Theme Park (MO)
- Get a free t-shirt, free birthday button, and mini-bag of kettle corn.
- https://www.silverdolla
- Smashburger
- Get a free shake on your birthday.
- Get free fries on your second purchase when you sign up.
- https://smashburger.com/smashrewards
- Smokey Bones
- Get a free piece of cake.
- https://smokeybones.com/bones-club/
- Smoothie King
- Champion Members ($350 spent in calendar year) get a free birthday smoothie.
- Get $2 reward when you sign up.
- https://www.smoothiekin
- Sonic
- Get a free birthday surprise when you download the app.
- https://www.sonicdrivei
- Sprinkles Cupcakes
- Get a free cupcake.
- https://sprinkles.com/pages/sprinkles-perks [sprinkles.com]
- Stan’s Donuts & Coffee (IL)
- Get a free half-dozen donuts
- https://www.stansdonuts
- Starbucks
- Download app to get a free food or drink item of your choice on your birthday.
- Requires at least one drink to be purchased within the last 12 months.
- https://www.starbucks.c
- Steak ‘n Shake
- Get a free menu item on your birthday and anniversary.
- https://www.steaknshake
- Subway
- Get a free cookie.
- https://www.subway.com/en-us/rewards
- SusieCakes
- Get a free layer cake slice.
- Get a free cupcake when you sign up for rewards.
- https://susiecakes.mygu
- Sweetgreen
- Get a free Crispy Rice treat (when you join app).
- https://www.sweetgreen.
- Sweet Frog
- Get a free frozen yogurt
- https://www.sweetfrog.c
– T –
- Taco Bell
- Get a regular sized Mountain Dew Baja Blast® Freeze.
- https://www.tacobell.co
- Taco Del Mar
- Get an unspecified birthday offer.
- https://tacodelmar.com/rippinrewards/
- Tacos 4 Life
- Get a free Ultimate Trio — housemade salsa, queso and guacamole with tortilla chips.
- https://www.tacos4life.
- Target
- Circle members (free to join) get extra 5% off a purchase.
- https://www.target.com/circle
- Silver spoon status members get a free birthday treat.
- https://www.tcby.com/froyoclub/
- Texas Roadhouse
- Get a free appetizer or a sidekick of ribs or shrimp on your birthday.
- Get a free “welcome gift” when you sign up.
- https://www.texasroadho
- TGIFridays
- Get a free Birthday dessert (may require a purchase).
- Get a free appetizer for joining.
- https://tgifridays.com/loyalty/
- The Fresh Market
- Get a free slice of The Ultimate birthday cake.
- https://www.thefreshmar
- The Melting Pot
- Get a “birthday voucher”
- Get a free box of six Signature Dipped Strawberries just for signing up.
- https://mcxfmbckjqzgj4w
- The Spaghetti Warehouse
- Get a free meal on your birthday
- Get a free appetizer with an entree purchase for becoming a member of the club.
- https://www.meatballs.c
- Tim Hortons
- Download app to get a free drink or breakfast sandwich.
- https://www.timhortons.
com/timsre…ingaMe mber
- Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- Get a free birthday reward.
- https://www.tropicalsmo
othiecafe….nl oad-app/
– U –
- Uno Pizzeria & Grill
- Get a birthday coupon as long as you’ve spent $20 or more at Uno over the past 11 months.
- You also get a free individual pizza just for signing up.
- https://www.unos.com/unoextras/
- Ulta Beauty
- Must be a rewards member (free to join; tiered system based on amount spent in a calendar year)
- 2x points on every purchase during your birth month
- Choose 1 birthday gift from a rotating list of options
- $10 off single product coupon (Diamond and Platinum rewards members only)
- https://www.ulta.com/rewards/birthday-gift
– V –
- Veggie Grill
- Get a free birthday entree.
- Also get $10 off your first purchase when you sign up.
- https://veggiegrill.com/rewards-thanx/
- Velvet Taco
- Get a free red velvet cake
- Get free chips and queso when you sign up.
- https://www.velvettaco.
- Vitality Bowls
- Get a free acai bowl (must have made at least one purchase at least one week prior to your birthday).
- https://vitalitybowls.c
– W –
- Waffle House
- Get an unspecified birthday reward.
- Get a free order of hashbrowns just for joining.
- https://www.wafflehouse
- Wahlburgers
- Get a free non-alcoholic shake.
- Get $5 off your order when you sign up using the app.
- https://wahlburgers.com/wahlclub
- Wendy’s
- Get a free small Frosty or Frosty-ccino with purchase.
- https://order.wendys.co
- Wetzel’s Pretzel
- Get a free pretzel on your birthday.
- https://www.wetzels.com/wetzels-app
- Which Wich
- Get a free Wich on your birthday (requires purchase made within 11 months before your birthday).
- Get a free regular drink – no purchase required – just for joining.
- https://www.whichwich.c
- Wienerschnitzel
- Get a free corndog on your birthday.
- https://www.wienerschni
- Wingstop
- Get free fries.
- https://www.wingstop.co
– X –
– Y –
- Yard House
- Get a free birthday dessert with dinner purchase.
- https://www.yardhouse.c
– Z –
- Zaxby’s
- Get three free cookies.
- https://www.zaxbys.com/rewards
- Zippys (HI, NV)
- Get a free single bakery item on your birthday.
- Get a free chili rice bowl just for signing up.
- https://www.zippys.com/rewards/
If I missed one please let me know HERE